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From DITA to Ontlogies and on to Molecular Information Snippets

Posted: Sat May 28, 2022 8:16 am
by vishalgeorge
Hi Folks,

Sharing with you all the news of a recent publication. The published IP, 'Packaging and propagation of Molecular Documentation Responses' is about generating molecular information snippets from your DITA source. Information snippets that you can use to webhook into your products, to be fecthed like a reflex action, or maybe weave your own content solution from a variety of products, versions, components and platforms.

The detailed methodology involves creation of a domain Ontology from your DITA source files, and finally, making the snippets available as API responses. Do go through. Would love to hear your suggestions and ideas on the same.

Thanks in Advance
Vishal George Palliyathu